Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

advice blog

i will say, if u have a problem, n big problem maybe, u must pray to gog, and u think how u can finissed ur problem, n dont worry abaut ur problem be more, believe tomorrow ur problem be end....

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

This my story, me from a city, it name is heavenland. I am very happy can live in the world, because i have something is very prizer for me. It is secret just me can know it, and abaut people cant know because it very sensitiv problem. Ya this day and many day very difficult for me, i dont know, i cant not say with a or some word. I want run to somewhere or someplace is far from my world. But i cant do it, because i dont have any power.
I want ask to something for make my problem be end but, nothing people are do it. I dont know. Like from begin i talk if i dont like people make a situtation be complicated. I am veri had with them. Hate you know. Oh ya. I also say not good if live with hate. But this not problem make me. And i dont care about them are talk my self. Because me is easy goin g. Last day i dont fair with everything example with friend if there friend are so beautiful and handsome if thy do ar make problem with me. It i feel nothing problem whit them and many people also like this.
But now is deferent if there are people make a problem with me. I hate them i dont care if them have everything in the world more me and perfect or good looking i dont care. And if i look them, her or him i just wanna say fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. If i see my friend i dont know about them if them like me i dont know.
And then someday i loot for something is can i touch it but i cant find this. Please help me find it. Why?? About this day. I dont know want say what??. Pleae tell me if you can read my story this day. I feel, i look something but i cant talk it to you. I am so soory because i feel very bad and so happy but this complicated but i like it from the last day. My talking about is one from all day i live until now. I am very hate people are if i in a place and this there are many people better than me. And them more prizer those people are better than me. I hate them and this specific are boy. I dont care they are handsome or good looking bullshit. I dont care. I absollutly hate them. Hate you know. Hate. And my stomached will sick if see them. Because them not fair and not give prizer with me.
I walk in the way and i found something i can touch it. I taken it and walk went home. I looked it. It very amazing. I feel staycool if saw it. I feel fly. And if it lost from my hand, i m very sad and i will cry, because it is my body. It is endlles, it also immortal. And someday i also walked in the wild, i found something it my self are very strong and perfect.
In my a way live. I wait something very special and wonderful and amazing for my live. I will wait this day. I wait it please come. And i will help you for come to me. Thanks. In my heart i feel better than this time in now, thanks good. I love you so much.
I dont know about love. What is it?? You can touch it. You can feel it.
Aboyt love what is it if u know abaut pure love from my heart, please tell me, right we again the else my story. I like celendions song because you loved me. U know this very famous. This day is tired day. Because my brain must extra think in many part in any place. And i feel so so tired but in this day nothing problem for me. No bu t i feel much my heart is sick because i must in any where place. Ok thats good for me.
Right i feel enought for i see to front my live. If there are someone can be myfriend in this time i m so happy. Because i wans speak to him something is make me very happy, and this very special. Oh ya i have many friend but nothing betwen them can know abaut myself. Is know myself is me. I proud myself,bcause i cant introduce other people, if i cant introduce my self. I seldom feel happy live in the world but i also feel in the world very sad, i feel i alone in the world. Nothing friend.
I want in the world is nothing whatever in there and just me live in there. And i will smile in everyday and every time.ok right i better, last ago i have bestfriend she is a girl. But nowseldom see her.
Ok this my story, not courtesy, i will talk it. Faith from many people is very prizer. I m like sewing skewer in my body. I m like to embroider thread in water. Is so difficult, like spyder walk in water, it can. Like spyder writer in papper,is impposible. Like sky dispersed it cloud is so very beautyful. Like flower oppen up in morning.
Right this day very difficult because this live, i am very tired. Because this day very bad i feel. Right this is difficult. I want see my friend, no no i hope my special people come to my live. I hope him come in my live in beautyful and absolutly situtation.
And i wait him, why very long time, why??. Please god, i wait him please bring him to me. For me, please make him come to me, please,please, please. Right u will coming in time very beautyfull.
Ok before i forward my story i will tallk abaut friendship. What is it like love, i dont know abaut friendship. I just know nothing say thanks and sorry this friendship for me. I like make poetry if i feel i m lonely. Oke i will make a poetry for look if i can do it. I give it titlle with glem
You are my glem
If i alone you come for me
You said dont cry because i in here
You are my soul
You lost i die
Because i can’t see without you
My glem.....
U like thing is can’t touch
I can’t touch i can’t
But i stay composed
Because i feel you
U gave me faith
and this make me have a power n spirit
i can fly if u in my side
i believe u wont leave me because u r my glem
Actually i have many poetry but just this is i share. But next definite i share other from it. It about my live in my body glem is my eyes and i can see because there is it. If nothing it in the world people will difficult for do activity everyday this i can make next poetry
27 03 2010
Right i will share my story, i look my riends. I dont introduce him, he is a singing beggar. I look him, in his face looked worry. He worryed if him wouldnt have much money for eat later. He dont talk with me abaut his problem but without he tell me i know from his face. In his face i also looked scratch sorrow. He think he alone in the world, although he have any friend. He allways lie with them self if they happy life in the world. And actualy this not true, he want shriek to world, why this world not fair to me, mwhy must i am live like this, why other people not like me why???
The stones just silent, can’t answer his question, the trees just can not, also cant answer and the sun just gave him a smille. Very very poor him, he want cry but nothing cange this situtation. If there are choice.

Right now i will tell u about something. What is it. It is water, i cant see without water. Because i will day if nothing water in the world. U know if u touch water, u will feel diferent in you self, u feel fly, u feel in sky. U can touch it but if u will hug it, u cant. Water make you be people are strong peaceful. If u there are problem with some people, u enough go to bath room and u must take a water and then you wipe in your face. And then u will fell better.

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Because you love me
For all those times u stood by me
For all the truth that u made me see
For all the joy u brought to my livfe
For all the wrong that u made right
For every dream u made come true
For all the love i found in u
I’ll be forever thankful baby u’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
U r the one who saw me through it all
U were my strength when i was weak
U were my voice when i couldnt speak
U were my eyes when i couldn’t see
U saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when i couldn’t reach
U gave me faith coz u believed
I’m everything i m because u loved me
U gave me wings n made me fly
U touched my hand i could touch the sky
I lost my faith
U gave it back to me
U said no star was out of reach
U stood by me n i stood tall
I had ur love i had it all
I’m grateful for each day u gave me
Maybe i dont kniw that much but i know this much is true
I was blessed because i was loved by u
U were my strength when i coldn’t weak
U were my voice when i couldn’t speak
U were my eyes when i couldnt see
U saw the best there was in me
Lifteb me up when i couldnt reach
U gave me faith coz u believed me
Im everything i m because u loved me
U were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining ur love into my life
U ve been my inspiration
Through the lies u were the truth
My world is better place because of u
U were my strength when i was weak
U were my voice when i couldnt speak
U were my eyes when i couldnt see
U saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when i couldnt reach
U gave me faith coz u believed
Im everything i am because u loved me

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


Tanyaku dalam hati
Ku meniti langkah menapaki daun kering sendiri
Tanpa ada yang menemani
Hatiku tak terkoyak untuk berhenti
Walau badai menghalang aku tak peduli
Suatu massa ku bertanya kepada sang pujangga
Tentang semua sanubari jiwa
Yang ingin menggenggam suatu asa
Mengiris hati hati sakit rasanya
Ku terus mencari apa yang harus kucari
Tak ada kata, tak ada jawaban dari bunga yang mati
Langit yang diam tersenyum menata hati
Apalah arti hidup ini
Aku tak mengerti?????????????????

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

abaut love

Banyak orang bilank kalu umur 16 tahunan atau peralihan remaja ke dewasa, adalah masa-masa mereka mencari jati diri. Aku berfikir jati diri tuh apaan sih???aku melewati umur 16 tapi aku gak merasa mencari jati diri. Langsung aku tanya ma temen-temen jati diri tuh apa sih????? Kadang teman teman ngejelasin k aku tapi tetep aja aku gak tau jati diri itu apa??. Emang sih masa pas aku umur segitu banyak banget masalah. Oh ya kata temen aku dimasa-masa seperti itu akan banyak banget masalah yang datang, and semakin komplit, dan bagaimana kita naggepin masalah tersebut and itu akan membentuk karakter diri kita, ceria, murung, pendiam dan lain-lain.
Aku selalu tidak tahu tentang bagaimana kita hidup dan bagaimana menjaga kehidupan. Itu akan semakin rumit jika terus menerus dipikirkan, i feel live must go on. Oh ya aku juga pernah tanya sama temen aku. “cinta itu apa sih “ temen aku lalu menjawab “yang pasti cinta itu bukan sekadar ucapan, cinta itu juga datang dari hati dan tidak berharap untuk memiliki,cinta juga tidak akan mengenal lelah,tiada kata jenuh, tiada keputusasaan.tiada batas waktu, tiada kebimbangan. Dan bukan sebuah pilihan”
Dalam hati aku berfikir oh ...............................cakep juga....heeee.......aku juga gak tahu tentang cinta walaupun aku di jelasin aku gak tahu. Mungkin aku tahu tapi aku tidak bisa menjelaskan. Satu yang ada dibenak ku, aku takut kalau aku tidak akan menemukan cinta yan abadi,sejati dan sesungguhnya. Aku takut kalau, aku bertemu dia setelah aku menikah dengan orang lain. Tapi aku pernah mendengar dari someone, kalau kita menikah itu adalah jodoh kita, aku jadi berfikir, yang namanya jodoh adalah abadi untuk selamanya jadi otomatis kalau mereka yang menikah bercerai, bukan jodoh donk. Ya gak??????
Aku selalu bisa jadi diri aku sendiri,bukanya sombong yaaaaaaa......aku gak peduli ma orang laen tentang komentarnya terhadap aku, mau mereka suka kek, atau enggak, i dont care.

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010


Apa sieh. ..hidup tuhhhh..........yang jelas hidup tuh susah bangets dechhh....susahnya banyak, senengnya sedikit. Malahan kadang kita merasa gak ada senengnya sama sekali, tapi itu pas kita merasa sedih. Aku merasa sendiri kalau gi sedih, gak ada teman.....hufht sebel dehhhhh